1stdibs to feature Alabama Sawyer

Did you hear? 1stdibs is going to feature some Alabama Sawyer products on their site! If you’re out of the loop on what that means, 1stdibs is an online marketplace for high quality goods and products.

At 1stdibs, we're here to connect the world's best dealers, finest shops and most important galleries with individuals like you: the world's most sophisticated collectors, designers and curators.

Starting with the few dealers that were hand-selected by our founder Michael Bruno at Paris's legendary antiques market, Marché Aux Puces, in 2001, we've become the global destination for those who must have 'first dibs' on treasures — from around the world — that would otherwise be inaccessible.”

As previously mentioned, 1stdibs was created by Michael Bruno in 2001. Bruno wanted a way to share some of his nifty finds, so he created the 1stdibs website. It took a little over a decade for the site to grow into what it is today-  a premier online luxury marketplace.

What’s more, their site includes testimonial style quotes from some pretty important people like Tom Ford-

Tom Ford's testimonial on 1stdibs

1stdibs: "About Us"

Well that’s hilarious. But back to the good news that 1stdibs will be featuring some of our Alabama Sawyer products. We are very excited to be selected for this honor, and can’t wait to share what ALASAW products they will be featuring. 



Featured image: "Fashionable Woman (Unsplash)" | Wikipedia Commons

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