What NOT to Compost

Composting is a great way to generate fertilizer for your garden. That said - ensure you’re not composting materials that shouldn’t be composted.

  • Dog + Cat Poop
  • Vegetarian animal poop = perfect to compost; feel free to use rabbit, chicken, horse, and cow poop. The rule of thumb is that manure from vegetarian animals is acceptable while manure from carnivorous animals is not. Meaning no contributions from Mr. Whiskers.

    A Hungry Bunch taken from the Library of Congress.

    Inorganic Materials + Diseased Plants + Cooking Oil
    This should be obvious, but anything that’s glass, metal, or plastic isn’t going to break down in a compost pile. Additionally, treated lumber or sawdust from treated lumber shouldn’t be composted. As far as diseased plants go, think about it. Do you really want to raise plants using compost from a diseased plant? Probably not. And cooking oil? It’s hard to break down cooking oil and will eventually attract pests. Cooking oil actually slows down the decomposition process, so you’re better off disposing of it some other way.

    Meat + Dairy Products
    Technically you can compost meats, but doing so will give your compost pile seriously bad odor. Additionally, don’t be surprised when your pile becomes the most popular eatery for our friend the squirrel, or his friend the raccoon. You should avoid composting dairy products for the same reasons you avoid composting meat. Smelliness + uninvited critters.

    Lunch Hour! (left) and Typical Cows (right) both taken from the Library of Congress.

    Glossy Paper
    This includes magazines, business cards with a shiny finish, catalogs, wrapping paper, etc… Usually this type of paper has been chemically treated. Interestingly enough the Alabama Sawyer business card would be fine to compost since it doesn't have that shiny finish. 

    "Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark!" 

    Since we're on the topic of compost, feel free to check out our Petite Noaway Counter Top Compost Bin




    https://www.loc.gov/item/thc1995003748/PP/ (glass bottle image taken from the library of congress)

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    Example blog post